User’s Information Manual
Thank you for investing in our quality Comfort System. The air conditioner you
have purchased is part of a Split System and has both indoor and outdoor
components. With proper installation and maintenance, it should provide you
with years of dependable service.
Take time to familiarize yourself with the information concerning unit features,
operation, and maintenance contained within this manual.
Check the serial plate for model identification. Record this information on the
last page of this booklet.
Please read this User’s Manual carefully, and follow the instructions given.
Keep it in a safe place for future reference.
Your warranty certificate is supplied with this unit. Read it carefully and note
what is covered. Keep it and a copy of the bill received from your dealer in a
safe place for future reference. This can serve as proof of the date of installa-
is a trademark of Maytag Corporation and is used
under license to Goodman Company, L.P. All rights reserved.
Part No. 10659202 Rev. 6
Printed in U.S.A.
1997-2004 Goodman Company, L.P.
March 2004
Important System Information
Here is the Model number, Manufacturing number, and Serial number of your unit.
Record installer information below:
Installing Company: _____________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________________
Installation Date: _______________________________
Space has been provided below to record the Model, Manufacturing, and Serial numbers of the indoor air handler,
“A” coil, or accessory equipment installed with your unit. Recording this information here will assist you in the future
should service be required. (Note: Some accessories will not have serial numbers.)
MODEL _____________________________________
MFG _______________________________________
SERIAL# ____________________________________
MODEL _____________________________________
MFG _______________________________________
SERIAL# ____________________________________
NOTE: If safety labels are missing or illegible, contact the installing dealer
for ordering information.
Fan blades may start rotating
Do not apply power to this appliance or
compressor if the compressor terminal
cover has been removed or is not firmly
in place.
R is k o f e le c tric s h o c k o r d e a th .
D is c o n n e c t re m o te e le c tric p o w e r
s u p p ly o r s u p p lie s b e fo re s e rv ic in g .
T h is c o m p a rtm e n t m u s t b e c lo s e d
e x c e p t w h e n s e rv ic in g .
Les ailes du ventilateur peuvent
commencer à tourner automatiquement.
Danger de choc électrique ou
de mort.
N'applique pas le pouvoir á cet appareil
ou compressor si la borne couvre a été
enlevée ou n'est pas fermement dans
Débrancher toute boite á fusibles
avant l'entretien.
Ce compartment doit rester ferme,
sauf pour l'entretien.
Typical Thermostat Operation
Your thermostat is the control center for your Split System. It is very important that the thermostat be located where it
can best “sense” the average room temperature. It must not be located where it is exposed to hot or cold drafts or to
hot or cold spots on the wall, such as those received from outside walls, walls with pipes inside, or from openings into
the attic. Because of the wide variety of programmable thermostats available, we cannot describe how all of them
work. However, a typical thermostat has two switches: a SYSTEM switch and a FAN switch.
To avoid possible equipment damage, personal injury, fire or death, the
following instructions must be observed regarding unit location, air
requirements and operating procedures.
The SYSTEM switch can include settings of HEAT,
HEAT – EMERGENCY HEAT is only used with heat
pumps. Emergency heat means the com-
pressor (i.e., the outdoor unit) is turned off,
and your backup source (if present) will pro-
vide heat when the temperatures in the
room falls below the temperature selected.
(No matter how warm the room becomes,
cooling will not be provided.) The backup
source is usually electricity, but it may be a
gas or oil furnace. The EMERGENCY HEAT
setting may be used if you suspect a prob-
lem exists with the heat provided by the
compressor, but your dealer is not able to
service it immediately. With some comfort
systems, the EMERGENCY HEAT setting
may also be used to provide a quicker
warm-up of the room. Once the warm-up is
completed, you should usually return the
system switch to the HEAT or AUTO setting.
If you leave the system switch in the EMER-
GENCY HEAT setting, it may increase your
operating costs.
HEAT – Your comfort system provides heat when
the temperature in the room falls below the
temperature selected. No matter how warm
the room becomes, cooling will not be pro-
OFF – Your comfort system will not provide heating
or cooling, no matter how cold or hot the
room becomes.
COOL– Your comfort system provides cooling when
the temperature in the room rises above the
temperature selected. No matter how cold
the room becomes, heat will not be pro-
AUTO– Your comfort system will provide heat when
the temperature in the room falls below the
temperature selected, and will provide cool-
ing when the temperature in the room rises
above the temperature selected. With most
of these thermostats, you will have a tem-
perature range in which neither heating or
cooling is being provided. The AUTO set-
ting will help your building avoid tempera-
ture extremes, but it may increase your
operating costs.
NOTE: Keeping your windows closed whenever the
thermostat SYSTEM switch is in the HEAT, COOL or
AUTO setting will keep operating costs down.
Room Temperature
The Fan switch may include settings of AUTO and ON:
Control Dials
AUTO– The indoor fan is operating when heating or
cooling is being provided. NOTE: With
some comfort systems, the indoor fan may
continue to run for a short time after the
compressor shuts off. With most gas fur-
naces, the indoor fan will start a short time
after the burners are lit, and will keep run-
ning for a short time after the burners shut
off. When your comfort system is not heat-
ing or cooling, the fan will not run.
System only cools, fan
cycles off and on.
System only cools, fan
runs all the time.
System only heats, fan
cycles off and on.
System only heats, fan
runs all the time.
No heating or cooling,
fan runs all the time.
Fan Switch
Typical Thermostat
ON – The indoor fan runs continuously.
Typical Thermostat Operation
IMPORTANT: Keep light bulbs and other heat sources
away from the thermostat. Heat from these items may
cause the thermostat to falsely register the temperature
of the room as warm when in actuality it may be quite
Do not exceed the set point limits preset at the
factory. As shipped from the factory, your comfort
system is designed to provide cooling only when the
outdoor temperature is 55°F or higher. Exceeding
these limits may result in severe equipment
Residential room thermostats must be exposed to the
air in the room in order to accurately control room
temperature. It must not be covered. Thermostats used
in commercial buildings however can be covered if
approved thermostat guards are used. If you need a
thermostat guard for your commercial building, contact
your dealer or another qualified servicer.
In some commercial applications or in a few homes, you
may need cooling indoors even when the outdoor
temperature is less than 55°F. If you do, discuss it with
your dealer before operating your comfort system during
cool weather.
Some comfort systems will include a programmable
thermostat. If your system does not include a program-
mable thermostat, you may want to discuss it with your
dealer. Programmable thermostats can automatically
switch to a more economical temperature setting when
your building is unoccupied or you are sleeping. Pro-
grammable thermostats automatically switch to a more
comfortable temperature setting at the time you have
previously selected. A programmable thermostat can
reduce operating costs without substantially reducing
In most homes, these limits will not cause problems. To
avoid potential problems, you may want to remind
children not to play with the thermostat.
Over adjusting or “jiggling” the thermostat switch will
cause the compressor on the outdoor unit to turn on
then off, then quickly on again. Eventually this will
cause a blown fuse, a tripped circuit breaker, and/or
a damaged compressor. Do not move the
For more information on your thermostat, consult the
literature that shipped with your thermostat. If you have
read it and still have questions, contact your dealer.
temperature selector on the thermostat for at least
five minutes after the compressor has shut off.
Electrical Power Supply
Many outdoor units include a crankcase heater. This
small heater warms the oil in the compressor for im-
proved lubrication. Once the needed temperature has
been reached, most of these heaters will shut off
Your comfort system uses R-22 as a refrigerant. R-22
has been used as a refrigerant for many years. It is
classified as an HCFC (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons).
Recent evidence suggests that HCFCs, when released
into the atmosphere, play a role in the thinning of the
earth’s ozone layer. Therefore, the EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency, a branch of the U.S. Federal Gov-
ernment) is beginning to implement new regulations
regarding the purchase, handling, and use of HCFCs
including R-22. Some of these regulations may increase
the cost of installation and service work on air condition-
ing and refrigeration equipment.
These heaters work effectively, but not rapidly. If your
outdoor unit has a crankcase heater and the power has
been disconnected from your outdoor unit for more than
two hours, you must connect electrical power to the
outdoor unit for at least four hours before setting the
thermostat so as to cause the unit to come on.
Not all outdoor units have crankcase heaters. If you are
not certain whether yours does or not, contact your
When your comfort system is operating properly, the
refrigerant is contained within airtight passages. No
refrigerant escapes into the atmosphere during normal
If your outdoor air conditioning (not heat pump) unit
does have a crankcase heater, you may wish to shut it
off in the fall after cooling season is completely over. To
do this, simply open the disconnect switch which is near
the outdoor unit, or turn the proper circuit breaker at the
electrical panel to the OFF position. This could save you
a small amount of your winter electrical bills. If you
choose to do this, remember - a four hour warm-up
period with the electrical power connected is necessary
before running the air conditioner again in the spring. If
you forget this warm-up period, you run the risk of
severe equipment damage.
When repair or replacement of your comfort system
becomes necessary, it is essential that you hire a
qualified servicer to perform the work. A qualified
servicer will have the tools and training necessary to
ensure that EPA regulations are followed. U.S. residents
who ignore or intentionally violate the EPA regulations
are in violation of the law, and may be subject to fines or
other penalties.
Most of your questions can be answered by your local dealer. Check with your dealer first if you need further informa-
tion regarding the operation, maintenance, or service of your unit. If you have other matters that cannot be resolved
locally, or you need additional information regarding other heating and cooling products offered by us - please call:
1-877-254-4729 (U.S. only)
email us at:
fax us at: (731) 856-1821
(Not a technical assistance line for dealers.)
Outside the U.S., call 1-713-861-2500.
(Not a technical assistance line for dealers.)
Your telephone company will bill you for the call.
Ask your participating dealer about our extended service plan. It adds to the strong
warranty with additional parts and labor coverage.
AsureSM is a service mark of Maytag Corporation and is used under
license to Goodman Company, L.P. All rights reserved.
We strongly recommend a bi-annual maintenance checkup be performed before the heating and cooling seasons
begin by a qualified servicer.
Routine Maintenance
IMPORTANT NOTE: Never operate unit without a filter
installed as dust and lint will build up on internal parts
resulting in loss of efficiency, equipment damage and
possible fire.
To avoid personal injury or death due to electrical
shock, disconnect the electrical power before
cleaning the coil(s).
An indoor air filter must be used with your comfort
system. A properly maintained filter will keep the indoor
coil of your comfort system clean. A dirty coil could
cause poor operation and/or severe equipment damage.
Air must be able to flow through the outdoor unit of your
comfort system. Do not construct a fence near the unit
or build a deck or patio over the unit without first dis-
cussing your plans with your dealer or other qualified
servicer. Restricted airflow could lead to poor operation
and/or severe equipment damage.
Your air filter or filters could be located in your furnace,
in a blower unit, or in “filter grilles” in your ceiling or
walls. The installer of your air conditioner or heat pump
can tell you where your filter(s) are, and how to clean or
replace them.
Check your filter(s) at least once a month. When they
are dirty, clean or replace them.
Likewise, it is important to keep the outdoor coil clean.
Dirt, leaves, or debris could also restrict the airflow. If
cleaning of the outdoor coil becomes necessary, hire a
qualified servicer. Inexperienced people could easily
puncture the copper tubing in the coil. Even a small hole
in the tubing could eventually cause a large loss of
refrigerant. Loss of refrigerant can cause poor operation
and/or severe equipment damage.
You may want to ask your dealer about high efficiency
filters. High efficiency filters are available in both elec-
tronic and non-electronic types. These filters can do a
better job of catching small airborne particles.
Do not use a condensing unit cover to “protect” the
outdoor unit during the winter, unless you first discuss it
with your dealer. Any cover used must include “breath-
able” fabric to avoid moisture buildup.
The compressor motor is hermetically sealed and does
not require additional oiling.
Indoor and outdoor fan motors are permanently lubri-
cated and do not require addtional oiling.
Before Calling Your Servicer
There are several built-in safety features that may automatically shut off the unit under abnormal operating conditions.
If your system does not operate normally, take time to perform the following checks before requesting service. A
couple of simple checks may allow you to avoid a service call. If the following steps do not resolve the problem,
contact a qualified servicer for further troubleshooting and/or repairs. Do not attempt troubleshooting beyond that
which is outlined below.
Check the thermostat to confirm that it is properly set.
Wait 15 minutes. Some devices in the outdoor unit or in programmable thermostats will prevent compressor
operation for awhile, and then reset automatically. Also, some power companies will install devices which shut
off air conditioners for several minutes on hot days. If you wait several minutes, the unit may begin operation on
its own.
Check the electrical panel to see if any circuit breakers have tripped or fuses have failed. If they have, you may
reset the circuit breaker(s) or replace the fuse(s) once without calling a servicer.
To avoid the risk of equipment damage or fire, install the same amperage or fuse as you are replacing. If the
circuit breaker or fuse should open again within thirty days, contact a qualified servicer to correct the problem. If
you repeatedly reset the breaker or replace the fuse without having the problem corrected, you run the risk of
severe equipment damage.
Check the disconnect switch near the indoor furnace or blower to confirm that it is closed.
Check the outdoor unit to confirm that it has not been covered on the sides or the top. If it has been covered by
a large object that you can easily remove, you may do so without calling a servicer. If it is covered with dirt or
debris, call a qualified servicer to clean it.
Check the indoor air inlets and outlets to confirm that they are not blocked by rugs, curtains, or other objects; or
have not been accidentally closed. If air cannot get into a room, the room will not be comfortable.
If airflow through all the air outlets seems low, check the filter. If it is dirty, clean or replace it.
1997-2004 Goodman Company, L.P.
March 2004
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