PacketStar PSAX
Multiservice Media Gateway Portfolio
Deliver voice, video and data services rapidly with a single,
cost-effective edge and access platform. Use the same
high-density scalable platform to migrate easily to next-
generation mobility and wireline networks.
• Increase revenue potential with a scalable edge access strategy
• Introduce profitable, high-margin services rapidly with reduced risk
• Reduce capital investment and operating costs by lowering inventory, sparing, and training costs
• Simplify operations and network complexity by collapsing multiple technologies into one platform
• Protect your current investment, while migrating to tomorrow’s infrastructure, with a rich selection
of interfaces and advanced protocols
Minimize capital expenditures
and reduce operating costs
Maximize switching capacity,
availability and resiliency
With the PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateway
The PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateway
portfolio’s scalable architecture, you need only one
platform to deploy many services. Each product in the
portfolio meets specific customer needs in various
deployment scenarios, so whether driven by footprint,
line density, speed or cost, you can find the best fit for
your application. Since all chassis share a common,
scalable architecture, you can use the same system and
management software, minimizing administrative and
provisioning knowledge. And, since the modules are
inter-changeable between chassis, you can redeploy a
portfolio builds the latest ATM technology into its
system architecture for maximum switching capacity
with high availability and resiliency. Robust, high-
performance backplane designs offer several layers of
protection for system resources. PacketStar PSAX
Multiservice Media Gateways offer 1+ 1 system
protection on optical modules. The PSAX 1000 offers
1:1 protection and the PSAX 4500 offers N:1
protection at the DS3/E3 level. All models offer a
non-service affecting upgrade feature. Further
system resilience is ensured by optional redundancy
for common equipment (power supplies, Stratum 3-4
timing modules, and CPU modules).
module in any other PacketStar PSAX media gateway
model where and when your network needs change,
reducing not only provisioning, but also sparing, training
and inventory costs. PSAX can perform out of service
maintenance tests to qualify a line before assigning
customer traffic, lowering the need for expensive truck
rolls and the time to turn up a new line.
Add value, reduce costs with
centrally managed options
The PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateway
Protect existing investment
and ensure easy migration
portfolio supports a range of centralized network
management options that add essential oversight and
control while reducing the high cost of maintaining
and managing the network. At the element level, you
The PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateway
portfolio’s wide variety of interfaces and features help
to ensure compatibility with existing equipment, while
providing the service richness of today’s leading edge
protocols. You can use the same high-density
can manage the PacketStar PSAX media gateways
using Navis EMS-PSAX Element Manager, a Java-
based Graphical User Interface. Navis EMS-PSAX
element manager enables comprehensive, real-time,
centralized management, including configuring and
upgrading the system, as well as fault and
performance monitoring.
multimission platform to migrate to next generation
networks while maintaining legacy services. Enabled
through the tunnelling of private topology over ATM
networks1, PSAX allows protocols to be carried
transparently, creating greater versatility at the edge
and reducing the need for upgrades to existing
equipment assets. Whether your future plans include
the next generation of wireless or new broadband
multimedia applications you can help to avoid
obsolescence and expensive forklift upgrades. For
increasing customer bandwidth allocations, PSAX can
modify traffic management parameters on active
connections so services are not disrupted. The
For carrier-class end-to-end network management, the
PacketStar PSAX media gateway portfolio can be
integrated into numerous third party network
management solutions as well as with Navis
iOperations software including:
• rapid flow–through provisioning across
multitechnology and multivendor environments
with Navis Provisioning Manager
PacketStar PSAX media gateways support more than
• performance, fault and service management with
40 interface modules that are interchangeable across
the product portfolio. System software is also
consistent across all platforms, eliminating branching
and compatibility problems. To help drive down the
expense of meeting customer demands, you can
upgrade modules simply by downloading new
software and firmware drivers.
Navis Fault Manager and Navis Extend Statistics
• service-level reporting with VitalSuite Performance
Monitoring Software
• overall server management and maintenance of user
Public ATM networks or ATM networks that do not run
PNNI over a MPLS core.
PacketStar PSAX
Multiservice Media Gateway Portfolio
Technical Specifications
k. LIM 3-4
1.Protocols Supported
l. Route Server
m. Tones and Announcement Server
Other modules and chassis accessories are available, for a
comprehensive listing, please contact your sales representative.
ATM/ Frame Relay:
ATM Forum UNI, 3.0/3.1/4.0, IISP, PNNI 1.0, ILMI 4.0,
Traffic Management 4.1, including traffic shaping and traffic
policing, Interface Protection Groups, Dual Home PVCs,
ATM Multicast,Early Packet Discard, configurable connection
admission control, ITU-T I.610 F4/F5 OAM support, ATM frame
relay network interworking (FRF.5) and service interworking (FRF.8),
Guaranteed Frame Rate
3.System Architecture
Optionally redundant CPU modules
Stratum 3 and 4 modules accept external composite clock timing,
T1 BITS and E1 ETSI timing, or external timing from any I/O port.
Contact your Lucent representative for exceptions.
Ethernet bridging with spanning tree, RFC 2684, RIP V1/2 static
routing, virtual router, Diffserve sensitive QoS, DHCP relay
Dual bus (midplane design on PSAX 4500 and PSAX 1000)
Redundant fans (fault-tolerant design)
SONET and SDH automatic protection switching
1:1 protection
Circuit Emulation & Signaling Gatway
Unstructured, Structured (with fractional services), CAS/CCS
signaling, H.248, GR303/V5.2, AAL1, AAL2 (voice compression,
silences suppression, echo cancellation, fax/modem bypass) A-law
and µ-law companding, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, SCIP, IVA
for ISDN D-channel transport to softswitch
N:1 protection*
4.Regulatory Compliance and Certification
Telecommunications: FCC Part 68 (USA), CS-08 (Canada)
2.Physical Interface Modules
DS1/E1/DS3/E3 Modules:
a. 6-port enhanced DS1 multiservice
b. 12-port medium density DS1 multiservice plus IMA
c. 12-port DS1/E1/DSOA CES
d. 24-port DS1 multiservice
e. 21-port high-density E1 multiservice
f. 6-port enhanced E1 multiservice
g. 8-port enhanced E1 multiservice plus IMA
h. 1-port Ch. STS-1e CES
Safety: UL 60950-1 (USA), CSA 22.2 No. 60950-1 (Canada),
EN 60950-1, EN 60825-1, EN 60825-2 (Europe), CB-Scheme -
IEC 60950-1 (International), NOM (Mexico)
EMC: FCC Part 15 Class A (USA), ICES-003 Class A (Canada), EN
300 386 Class A, EN 55022, EN 55024 1250, 2300, 4500, EN
61000-3-2 1000, 1250, EN 61000-3-3 (Europe) 1000, 1250,
AS/NZS-3548 (Australia), CISPR 22 (International), CISPR 24
(International) 1250, 2300, 4500.
Other: NEBS™ Level 1/3, OSMINE compliant
i. 1-port DS3 Frame Relay
5.Operations, Administration and Maintenance
F4/F5 AIS, RDI, loopbacks, and continuity checks per ITU-T
Telcordia GR-1248-CORE
Telcordia TR-NWT-000170
j. 1-port Ch. DS3 multiservice
k. 3-port Ch. DS3/STS-1e CES
l. 3-port DS3/E3 unstructured CES
m. 3-port Ch. DS3/STS-1e CES protection*
n. 3-port DS3/E3 unstructured CES protection*
o. 3-port DS3/E3 ATM
p. 3-port DS3/E3 ATM protection**
q. 3-port DS3/STS-1e multiservice protection*
Optical Modules:
a. 1-port Ch. OC-3/STM-1 CES APS/MSP (SM/MM)
b. 1-port Ch. OC-3/STM-1 (UnCES/ATM) APS/MSP (SM/MM)
c. 2-port OC-3c/STM-1 APS/MSP (SM/MM)
d. 4-port OC-3c/STM-1 APS/MSP (SM/MM)
e. 1-port OC-12c/STM-4 APS/MSP (SM/MM)
IMA Modules:
6.Element and Network Management
Navis® Integrated Network Management Products
Navis® EMS-PSAX Element Management System
Navis® network and service management system platforms
Other Management Tools
SNMP via Ethernet port or ATM in-band
Console interface via console port
Console interface via Telnet session
(Ethernet port or ATM in-band)
a. 6-port DS1 IMA
b. 12-port DS1 IMA
c. 6-port E1 IMA
d. 8-port enhanced E1 multiservice plus IMA
e. 21-port E1 IMA
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your
Lucent representative for information on availability and upgrades.
Lucent reserves the right to change, modify, transfer or otherwise revise
this publication without notice.
To learn more about our comprehensive portfolio, please
contact your Lucent Technologies Sales Representative,
Lucent BusinessPartner or, visit our web site at
f. 1-port Ch. STM-1 (UnCES/ATM/IMA) MSP (SM/MM)
g. 1-port DS3 IMA (28 DS1)
PacketStar, Navis and VitalSuite are registered trademarks of
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Specialty Modules:
a. 2-port Gigabit Ethernet
NEBS is a trademark of Telcordia Laboratories
b. 4-port Ethernet (all 10/100Base-T)
c. 4-port Quadserial
d. 6-port Multiserial
e. 4-port voice 2-Wire Office FXO
f. 8-port voice 2-Wire Station FXS
g. 8-port HDSL-2
Copyright © 2005
Lucent Technologies Inc.
All rights reserved
MSS v5.0105
h. DSPx Voice Servers
i. Enhanced Router Module
j. LIM 3-1
** PacketStar PSAX 4500 Multiservice Media Gateway only
** PacketStar PSAX 4500 and PSAX 1000 Multiservice Media
Gateways only
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