Wireless 433 MHz
Radio-controlled Weather Station
Instruction Manual
1. The indoor weather station (Figure 1).
2. One TX4U remote thermo/hygro sensor with mounting bracket (Figure
3. Three each, ½” Philips screws.
4. One strip double-sided adhesive tape.
5. Instruction manual and warranty card.
Figure 1
Time LCD
Date LCD
Figure 2
Forecast LCD
1. Four, fresh AA 1.5V batteries.
3. One, Philips screwdriver.
4. One, Flat screwdriver.
ABOUT WWVB (Radio Controlled Time)
The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology—Time and Frequency
Division) WWVB radio station is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado, and transmits the
exact time signal continuously throughout the United States at 60 kHz. The signal
can be received up to 2, 000 miles away through the internal antenna in the weather
station. However, due to the nature of the Earth’s Ionosphere, reception is very
limited during daylight hours. The weather station will search for a signal every
night when reception is best. The WWVB radio station derives its signal from the
NIST Atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. A team of atomic physicists is
continually measuring every second, of every day, to an accuracy of ten billionths of
a second per day. These physicists have created an international standard,
measuring a second as 9,192,631,770 vibrations of a Cesium-133 atom in a vacuum.
For more information about WWVB please see the NIST website at
Hint: Use good quality Alkaline Batteries and avoid rechargeable batteries.
1. Have the indoor weather station and remote thermo/hygro sensor 3 to 5
2. Batteries should be out of both units for 10 minutes.
3. Place the batteries into the remote thermo/hygro sensor first then into
the indoor weather station.
(All remote thermo/hygro sensors must be started before the indoor
weather station)
In this time the indoor weather station and remote thermo/hygro sensor will start to
talk to each other and the indoor weather station will show both the indoor
temperature and humidity and the outdoor temperature and humidity. If the indoor
weather station does not display all values after the 10 minutes please retry the set up
as stated above. After all values are displayed for 10 minutes you can place your
remote thermo/hygro sensor outdoors and set your time.
The remote thermo/hygro sensor should be placed in a dry, shaded area. The remote
thermo/hygro sensor has a range of 80 feet. Any walls that the signal will have to
pass through will reduce distance. An outdoor wall or window will have 20 to 30
feet of resistance and an interior wall will have 10 to 20 feet of resistance. Your
distance plus resistance should not exceed 80 ft. in a straight line.
NOTE: Fog and mist will not harm your remote thermo/hygro sensor but direct rain
must be avoided.
To complete the set up of your indoor weather station after the 10 minutes
have passed please follow the steps in the Detailed Set Up Guide
Note: The Thermo Hygro Transmitter transmits a signal every 3 minutes;
after the batteries have been installed, the Weather Station will search for
the signal for a duration of 5 minutes. If there is no temperature reading in
the OUTDOOR LCD after 5 minutes, make sure the units are within range
of each other, or repeat the battery installation procedure.
A. Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor
1. Pull the cylindrical rain cover off the remote
thermo/hygro sensor.
2. Remove the battery cover (located on the backside
of the remote thermo/hygro sensor, above the
mounting post and bracket).
3. Press the arrow and slide the battery cover off.
4. Observing the correct polarity install 2 AA
5. Replace battery cover, and place rain cover snugly onto the remote
thermo/hygro sensor.
B. Indoor Weather Station
1. Remove the battery cover. To do this, insert a
solid object in the space provided at the lower-
central position of the battery cover, then push
up and pull out on the battery cover.
2. Observe the correct polarity, and install 2 AA
3. Replace the battery cover.
Note: Immediately after the batteries have been installed, each LCD
(Liquid Crystal Display) will flash, and a tone will sound. Within a few
seconds the indoor temperature, indoor relative humidity, and the
weather icons (sun and clouds) will be displayed. If these items are not
displayed remove the batteries for 10 seconds and reinstall. If the
outdoor temperature is not displayed within four minutes, remove the
batteries from both units, wait 10 seconds, and reinstall. The time will
show -:-- and start searching for the signal. If it successfully receives
the time signal (reception is achieved easiest at night), it will display the
correct time (factory setting is Eastern time zone).
Programming Note: If 30 seconds is allowed to pass, or either the “IN” or
the “OUT” buttons are pressed during programming modes the unit will
confirm/set the last information entered—the display will stop flashing and
return to normal time-date readings. If you don’t leave the program
sequence during the programming of sections “A” through “G”, you can
advance to step 4 of the next program section. If you do leave the program
sequence (or want to program a specific setting) follow each instructional
step to program that setting. The programming sequence is as follows:
12 or 24 Hour Time Setting
Time Zone Setting
Daylight Saving Time(DST) Setting
Time Setting
Day, Date and Year Setting
°F or °C Setting
LCD Contrast Setting
The Secondary Buttons are located directly below the Primary Buttons, and
behind the La Crosse Technology shield on the face of the unit. To access
the Secondary Buttons: place a solid object in the slot (above the shield)
and gently pull out and down.
Primary Buttons
Secondary Buttons
A. 12 or 24 Hour Time Setting
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “CH” button to toggle between 12 and
24-hour time.
3. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the 12/24-hour
time setting and to advance to Time Zone Setting.
B. Time Zone Setting
The default time zone is EST, “-5hr” (Eastern Standard Time), to
change this setting:
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “SET” button 1 time to enter the Time
Zone setting mode.
3. The default Time Zone “-5” will flash in the DATE LCD.
4. Press and release the “CH” button to select your appropriate
time zone. During selection of the Time Zone, the 3 letter
abbreviations for the time zones found in North America will
flash across the top of the TIME LCD. Observe the chart
below showing the corresponding abbreviations, time zones,
and codes.
Note: There are more time zones represented by numbers than
there are represented by 3 letter abbreviations. If you live in
North America you need only be concerned with the ones in the
chart above.
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm your selection
and advance to the Daylight Saving Time setting.
C. Daylight Saving Time(DST) Setting
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “SET” button 2 times to reach the DST
selection mode.
3. “DST 1” is the default (factory) setting and will be flashing in
4. Press and release the “CH” button to select “DST 0” or “DST
“DST 0” indicates that the feature is off and the indoor weather
station will not change times at the daylight saving time changes
automatically. “DST 1” indicates that the feature is on and the
indoor weather station will change times at the daylight saving
time changes automatically.
Note: Some locations (Arizona and parts of Indiana) do not
follow Daylight Saving Time, and should select “DST 0.”
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm your selection
and advance to the Time setting mode.
D. Time
There are two methods by which the time can be set:
1. Automatically via WWVB reception, or
2. Manually.
1. WWVB (Remote Control Time)
This method requires you to do nothing, except wait for the signal
to be received and to select a time zone. Reception usually takes
approximately 6-10 minutes during optimal conditions. The best
conditions for reception is at night, between midnight and 6:00
am—when there is less atmospheric interference. To keep your
time as accurate as possible, the indoor weather station conducts a
WWVB search every night between these hours and overrides any
manually set time. The WWVB tower icon (appearing in the TIME
LCD) will flash when a signal-search is in progress, will remain
steady when the signal has been received, and nothing will be
displayed in all other situations. If the WWVB time has not been
received 10 minutes after battery installation you may manually set
the time or wait for WWVB reception. Once the WWVB time
signal is received it will override the manually set time.
2. Manual Time Setting
a. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds or
until “12h” or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
b. Press and release the “SET” button 3 times.
c. The hour digit will be flashing in the TIME LCD.
d. Press and release the “CH” button to change the
hour – increasing the hours by increments of 1 with
each press of the “CH” button.
e. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the
hour setting and to advance to the minute setting
f. The minute digits should be flashing. Press and
release the “CH” button to change the minutes—
increasing the minutes by increments of 1 with each
press of the “CH” button.
g. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the
minutes and to advance to the Day, Date, and Year
setting mode.
Note: In 12h mode, “PM” will appear to the left of the time
during PM hours. If the time is not within the PM hours, nothing
will be displayed. Be sure to set the time to the correct AM/PM
time to ensure automatic reception at optimal times.
E. Setting the Day, Date, and Year
Note: “MO” (representing Monday) is the default (factory) setting
for the weekday, “1.1” is the default (factory) setting for the
numeric month and day, and “1999” is the default (factory) setting
for the year. The day, date, and year will be automatically set once
the WWVB signal is received. However, the day, date, and year
can be manually set and will flash respectively in the DATE LCD
during manual programming.
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds, or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “SET” button 5 more times to reach the
Weekday setting mode.
3. The weekday will be flashing in the DATE LCD.
4. Press and release the “CH” button to select the current
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and to enter the
numeric-month setting mode.
6. The numeric-month will be flashing in the DATE LCD.
7. Press and release the “CH” button to select the current month.
8. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the numeric-
month, and to enter the numeric-day setting mode.
9. The numeric-day will be flashing.
10. Press and release the “CH” button to select the current day.
11. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and to enter the
year setting mode.
12. The default-year will be flashing.
13. Press and release the “CH” button to set the current year.
14. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm and to advance
to the °F or °C setting mode.
F. Selecting °F or °C
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds, or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “SET” button 9 times to reach the °F or
°C setting mode.
3. “°F” is the default (factory) setting and should be flashing in
4. Press and release the “CH” button to toggle between °F and
5. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm your selection
and to advance to the LCD contrast setting.
G. Setting the LCD Contrast
Note: There are 8 LCD contrast levels to choose from, “Lcd 0” is the
lightest and “Lcd 7” is the darkest.
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for 3 seconds or until “12h”
or “24h” flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “SET” button 10 times to reach the LCD
contrast setting mode.
3. The default (factory) setting “Lcd 5” will flash in the DATE
4. Press and release the “CH” button to select the desired
5. Press either the “IN” or “OUT” buttons to confirm all the
settings and to exit the manual-programming mode (or wait 15
seconds for the indoor weather station to automatically return
to the normal display mode).
WWVB Tower Icon (indicates time
Alarm icon
Weather Tendency Arrow
Forecast icon
Comfort Level Indicator
Satellite icon (indicates
outdoor transmission)
I. Weather Forecast
The weather forecasting feature is estimated to be 75% accurate. The
weather forecast is based solely upon the change of air pressure over time.
The WS-7078UF averages past air-pressure readings to provide an accurate
forecast, creating a necessity to disregard all weather forecasting for 12-24
hours after the unit has been set-up, reset, or moved from one altitude to
another (i.e. from one floor of a building to another floor). In areas where
the weather is not affected by the change of air pressure, this feature will be
less accurate.
A. Weather Icons
There are 3 possible weather icons that will be displayed in the
Sunny—indicates that the weather is expected to improve (not that
the weather will be sunny).
Sun with Clouds—indicates that the weather is expected to be fair
(not that the weather will be sunny with clouds).
Clouds with Rain—indicates that the weather is expected to get
worse (not that the weather will be rainy).
The weather icons change when the unit detects a change in air
pressure. The icons change in order, from “sunny” to “partly
sunny” to “cloudy” or the reverse. It will not change from “sunny”
directly to “rainy”, although it is possible for the change to occur
quickly. If the symbols do not change then the weather has not
changed, or the change has been slow and gradual.
B. Weather Tendency Arrows
Other possible displays in the FORECAST LCD are 2 weather
tendency arrows, one that points up (on the left side of the LCD)
and one that points down (on the right side of the LCD). These
arrows reflect current changes in the air pressure. An arrow
pointing up indicates that the air pressure is increasing and the
weather is expected to improve or remain good. An arrow
pointing down indicates that the air pressure is decreasing and the
weather is expected to become worse or remain poor. No arrow
means the pressure is stable.
II. Indoor Temperature, Humidity, and Comfort Level Indicator
The current indoor temperature (viewed on the left) and relative humidity
(viewed on the right) are displayed in the INDOOR LCD. The comfort
level indicator is located at the center of the INDOOR LCD. The comfort
level indicator will display a happy face icon when the temperature is
between 68°F and 79°F (20°C and 25.9°C), and the humidity is between
45% and 64%. A sad face icon will be displayed when the temperature and
humidity are outside the mentioned ranges.
III. Outdoor Temperature and Humidity
The outdoor temperature and humidity is viewed in the OUTDOOR LCD.
When there is more than one remote thermo/hygro sensor unit in operation
a “boxed” number will appear to the right of the temperature. This
indicates which remote thermo/hygro sensor unit (1, 2, or 3) is currently
displaying its data in the OUTDOOR LCD. (This feature is explained in
further detail in section VI—Adding Remote Thermo/hygro Sensors).
IV. Minimum and Maximum Temperature Records
The WS-7078UF keeps a record of the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM
temperature and the time and date of their occurrence, for both the indoor
and outdoor modes.
A. Viewing the Indoor Temperature Records
Note: Waiting 20 seconds during either the minimum or the
maximum readings will automatically return the indoor weather
station to the current temperature and humidity readings
1. Press and release the “IN” button once.
2. “MIN” will appear in the upper-center location of the
flashing INDOOR LCD indicating that the minimum
temperature (along with the humidity measured at that
time) and the time and date of occurrence are displayed.
The minimum records will display for 20 seconds.
3. Press and release the “IN” button again (once while
“MIN” is still displayed, twice otherwise).
4. “MAX” will appear in the upper-center location of the
flashing INDOOR LCD, indicating that the maximum
temperature (along with the humidity measured at that
time) and the time and date of occurrence are displayed.
The maximum records will display for 20 seconds.
5. While “MAX” is still displayed press and release the
“IN” button again to return to the current data display. .
B. Viewing the Outdoor Temperature Records
Note: Waiting 20 seconds during either the minimum or the
maximum readings will automatically return the indoor weather
station to the current temperature and humidity readings.
1. Press and release the “OUT” button once.
2. “MIN” appears in the upper-center location of the
flashing OUTDOOR LCD, indicating that the minimum
temperature, and the time and date of occurrence are
displayed. The minimum records will display for 20
3. Press and release the “OUT” button again (once while
“MIN” is still displayed, twice otherwise).
4. “MAX” appears in the upper-center location of the
flashing OUTDOOR LCD indicating that the maximum
temperature and the time and date of occurrence are
5. While “MAX” is still displayed press and release the
“OUT” button again to return to the current data display.
C. Resetting the Minimum and Maximum Records
1. All the indoor records (minimum and maximum) will be
reset after the “IN” button is pressed and held for 5
2. All the outdoor records (minimum and maximum) will be
reset after the “OUT” button is pressed and held for 5
V. Alarm Function
A. Setting the Alarm (Alarms 1 and 2)
Note: There are two alarms that can be set. Each alarm will
sound for a complete duration of 2 minutes.
1. Press and hold the “AL1” button for 5 seconds or until
the alarm-time display flashes in the DATE LCD.
2. Press and release the “IN” button to set the alarm hours.
3. Press and release the “OUT” button to set the alarm
4. Press and release the “AL1” button or wait 15 seconds for
the unit to automatically confirm the alarm time and
return to display the date in the DATE LCD as normal.
5. The ((1)) icon, appearing in the DATE LCD, indicates
that the alarm is set to sound at the programmed time.
Note: Programming the alarm time automatically activates
the alarm to sound at the programmed time.
6. To deactivate the alarm, press and release the “AL1”
button (removing the ((1)) icon from the screen).
7. To reactivate the alarm press and release the “AL1”
8. After each activation or deactivation the programmed
alarm time is displayed. Wait 15 seconds and the date
will display in the DATE LCD again.
9. To set, activate, and deactivate alarm 2, follow the
directions above for alarm 1—using the “AL2” button in
place of the “AL1” button. The ((2)) icon will represent
activation and deactivation of Alarm 2.
B. Snoozing and Stopping the Alarm
1. The snooze function is activated by pressing any one of
the following buttons: “SET”, “IN”, “OUT” or “SNZ”.
2. To turn the alarm off completely, press any of the
following buttons: “CH”, “AL1”, “AL2” or “DATE”.
3. The snooze function will last for 5 minutes before the
alarm begins to sound again. Either the ((1)) or the ((2))
icon will flash during the snooze mode.
VI. Adding Remote Thermo/hygro Sensors (OPTIONAL)
The WS-7078UF is able to receive signals from as many as 3 different
remote thermo/hygro sensors. The remote sensor model(s) that you choose
will come with their own set of instructions, follow these instructions for a
complete guide to setting up. Following are some brief instructions for the
basic set-up of remote sensor units with the WS-7078U. These extra remote
sensors can be purchased through the same dealer as this indoor weather
station or by contacting La Crosse Technology directly. A TX4U will
monitor temperature and humidity, a TX3U will monitor temperature only,
and the TX3UP will monitor water or soil temperature via a probe.
Note: When setting up multiple remote sensors it is important to remove
the batteries from all existing units in operation, then to insert batteries
first into all the remote sensors. Second install batteries into the indoor
weather station. Transmission problems will arise if this is not done
correctly and if the total time for set-up exceeds 6 minutes.
A. Set-up of Multiple Units
1. It is necessary to remove the batteries from all units
currently in operation.
2. Remove the battery covers to all remote sensors.
3. Place all remote sensors in a numeric sequential order.
4. In sequential order, install batteries following the same
battery installation procedures seen in Detailed Set-Up
Guide section of this manual.
5. Install batteries into the indoor weather station.
6. Follow the Detailed Set-Up Guide for programming and
operating instructions.
B. Viewing and Operating with Multiple Thermo/hygro
1. To view the temperature of
different remote
thermo/hygro sensor press and release the “CH” button.
A shift from one “boxed” number to the next should be
observed in the OUTDOOR LCD.
2. To view the Minimum/Maximum temperature of a
different remote thermo/hygro sensor, first select which
remote thermo/hygro sensor to read data from (indicated
by the “boxed” number), then press and release the
“OUT” button.
3. Pressing and releasing the “OUT” button once will
display the minimum temperature and the date and time
the data was recorded. Pressing and releasing the “OUT”
button a second time (while “MIN” is still displayed,
otherwise press the button twice) will display the
maximum temperature and the date and time the data was
4. To reset the Minimum/Maximum readings it is necessary
to select which remote sensor you wish to reset. Press
and hold the “OUT” button for 5 seconds and the records
for the selected remote thermo/hygro sensor will be reset.
Note: Before permanently mounting ensure that the indoor weather station
is able to receive WWVB signals from the desired location. Also, extreme
and sudden changes in temperature will decrease the accuracy of the
indoor weather station. Changes in elevation will result with inaccurate
weather forecasting for the next 12 to 24 hours. These changes will require
a 12 to 24 hour wait before obtaining reliable data. To achieve a true
temperature reading, avoid mounting where direct sunlight can reach the
remote thermo/hygro sensor. We recommend that you mount the remote
thermo/hygro sensor on a North-facing wall. The transmitting range of the
remote thermo/hygro sensor is 80ft. Obstacles such as walls, concrete, and
large metal objects can reduce the range. Place both units in their desired
location and wait approximately 10 minutes before permanently mounting
to ensure that there is proper reception. The indoor weather station should
display a temperature in the OUTDOOR LCD within 4 minutes of setting
I. Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor
A. Mounting With Screws
1. Remove the mounting bracket/receptor from the packaging.
2. Place the mounting bracket over the desired mounting surface.
3. Through the 2 screw holes of the bracket mark the mounting surface
with a pencil.
4. Where marked, start the screw holes using the provided screws.
5. Remove screws from the mounting surface.
6. Align the mounting bracket with the started screw holes.
7. Screw mounting bracket onto the mounting surface. The screws should
be flush with the bracket.
8. Fit the mounting post (on the back of the remote thermo/hygro sensor)
into the receptor of the mounting bracket.
B. Mounting With Adhesive Tape
1. With a nonabrasive solution, clean and dry the back of the mounting
bracket and the mounting surface to ensure a secure hold. The
mounting surface should be smooth and flat.
2. Remove the protective strip from one side of the tape. Press firmly
onto the designated area on the back of the mounting bracket.
3. Remove the protective strip from the other side of the tape, and situate
the mounting bracket. Firmly press the mounting bracket onto the
mounting surface.
4. Fit the mounting post into the receptor of the mounting bracket.
II. The Indoor Weather Station
A. The indoor weather station can be mounted in two ways:
• with the table stand or,
• on the wall with the use of a wall hanging screw (not included).
1. Using the Table Stand
a. The indoor weather station comes with the table stand already
mounted. If you wish to use the table-stand all that is required
is to place the indoor weather station in an appropriate
a. Remove the table-stand. To do this, pull down on the stand
from the rear and rotate forward.
b. Fix a screw (not included) into the desired wall, leaving
approximately 3/16 of an inch (5mm) extended from the wall.
c. Place the indoor weather station onto the screw using the
hanging hole on the backside. Gently pull the indoor weather
station down to lock the screw into place.
Problem: No reception of WWVB time signal.
Solution: 1) Wait overnight for signal.
2) Be sure indoor weather station is at least 6 feet from any electrical
devices, such as televisions, computers, or other radio-controlled
3) Remove batteries for five minutes, reinsert and leave the unit alone
overnight without pressing buttons.
4) If there are still problems, contact La Crosse Technology
Problem: Hour is incorrect (minute and date are correct)
Solution: Be sure correct time zone and daylight saving time are selected.
Problem: The LCD is faint
Solution: 1) Set the LCD contrast to a higher number
2) Replace batteries
Problem: No outdoor temperature is displayed.
Solution: 1) Remove all batteries, reinsert into remote thermo/hygro sensor first,
then indoor weather station.
2) Place remote thermo/hygro sensor closer to display.
3) Be sure all batteries are fresh.
NOTE: For problems not solved, please contact La Crosse Technology.
Extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock should be avoided to prevent
damage to the units.
Clean displays and units with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use solvents or
scouring agents; they may mark the displays and casings.
Do not submerge in water.
Immediately remove all low powered batteries to avoid leakage and
Opening the casings invalidates the warranty. Do not try to repair the unit.
Contact La Crosse Technology for repairs.
Temperature measuring range:
32°F to 139.8°F with 0.2°F
resolution. (0°C to 59.9°C with
0.1°C resolution). “OFL”
displayed if outside this range.
-21.8°F to 157.2°F with 0.2°F
resolution. (-29.9°C to 69.9°C
resolution). “OFL” displayed if
outside this range.
Relative humidity measuring
19% to 95% with 1%
resolution. (“- -” displayed if
outside this range.
Indoor Temperature checking
Every 10 seconds.
Indoor Humidity checking
Outdoor Temperature and
Humidity checking interval
(Remote Thermo/hygro
Every 1 minute.
Every 1 minute.
Outdoor Temperature and
humidity reception (Indoor
Weather Station):
Every 3 minutes.
Transmission Range:
Power Supply:
80 feet (in open space).
Indoor Weather Station:
Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor:
Battery life cycle:
2 x AA, IEC LR6, 1.5V.
2 x AA, IEC LR3, 1.5V.
Approximately 12 months.
Recommended battery type:
Dimensions (L x W x H)
Indoor Weather Station
(without stand):
4.48 x 1.18 x 7.04 in
(114 x 30 x 179mm).
1.56 x 0.78 x 4.29 inches
(40 x 20 x 110 mm).
Remote Thermo/hygro Sensor:
La Crosse Technology provides a 1-year warranty on this indoor weather station.
Contact La Crosse Technology immediately upon discovery of any defects covered
by this warranty.
Before sending the indoor weather station in for repairs, contact La Crosse
Technology. The indoor weather station will be repaired or replaced with the same
or similar model.
This warranty does not cover any defects resulting from improper use, unauthorized
repairs, faulty batteries, or the indoor weather stations inability to receive a signal
due to any source of interference.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights
specific to your State. Some States do no allow the exclusion of consequential or
incidental damages therefore the above exclusion of limitation may not apply to you.
For warranty work, technical support, or information contact:
La Crosse Technology
2809 Losey Blvd. S.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608.782.1610
Fax: 608.796.1020
(warranty work)
(information on other products)
FCC ID: OMO-01RX (Receiver), OMO-01TX (transmitter)
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